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Wednesday 23 May 2007
On July 21st 2007, I shall be doing a mammoth signing through the night! 1700 Harry Potter fans will have the opportunity of having their copy of ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ signed by me at the Natural History Museum in London. They will receive a free copy of the seventh Harry Potter book, courtesy of Bloomsbury, my UK publishers. 500 of these fans will also be randomly selected to hear me read from the book at midnight.
To receive tickets for this event, you will need to enter a ballot via the following websites: (for UK and Ireland residents) and (for the US). Other English-speaking publishers may also be allotted tickets; keep an eye on their websites.
It has been a long time since I’ve done a signing and had the chance to speak to readers individually, so I’m delighted that we are launching the book in this way. It will be wonderful for me to get the chance to speak to people who have already read a few chapters while in the queue!
Good luck if you’re applying for tickets, and if you’re successful, I’ll see you shortly after midnight on July 21st!