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The MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Society Scotland

We are extremely proud to have JK Rowling as our Patron. She chose the Society because her late mother was diagnosed with MS when JK Rowling was just 15.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) affects young adults (3 women for every 1 man diagnosed) and more people have MS in Scotland than anywhere else in the world - around 1 in 500 people, so you are likely to know someone who is affected.

MS is the result of damage to the 'myelin', the protective coating on our nerves (this damage leaves a scar - the word 'multiple' means 'lots' and 'sclerosis' means 'scars'). If you imagine that when you want to do anything - eg, move your hand to pick up a pencil - your brain has to send a message down through your central nervous system to your hand to tell it to do this. If it is damaged then the message that your brain sends can't travel smoothly - it's like an interrupted bumpy path. So, something simple like picking up a pencil can become a hugely difficult and frustrating action because your brain can't get the message to your hand properly.

With MS, everyday activities become far more difficult and those with MS really need the support of their families and friends (for example if your friend's mum or dad has MS, they may not have much time to play as they will be helping with housework or shopping). The MS Society exists to help everyone in Scotland affected by MS and their families to live as full a life as possible.

Although its cause is not yet known, JK Rowling is helping to fund our world leading research projects right here in Scotland and we are confident they will one day lead us to a cure.

For more information about our work, visit www.mssocietyscotland.org.uk

For help or advice, call our Free MS Helpline: 0808 800 8000

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