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Troubled Blood
Part Seven - 73

“Because I phoned Ilsa, last Christmas…”

As he held open the glass door for her, which led to a chocolate department now full of Hallowe’en treats, Strike explained about his failed attempt to buy Robin perfume, the previous December.

“… so I asked the assistant, but he kept showing me things with names like… I dunno…‘Shaggable You’…”

Troubled Blood
Part Seven - 73

The laugh Robin failed to repress was so loud that people turned to look at her. They moved past tables stacked with expensive truffles.

“… and I panicked,” Strike admitted, “which is why you ended up with chocolates. Anyway,” he said, as they came to the threshold of the perfume room, with its cupola painted with moon and stars, “you choose whatever you want and I’ll pay.”

“Strike,” said Robin, “this is… this is thoughtful.”